Lazy Onion

January 15, 2007

Pokemon Battle Revolution

Filed under: Gaming,Import,Pokemon,Wii — JKTrix @ 2:37 pm

Gamebrink has a review of the Wii Wifi Launch game.

I was a little disappointed that it won’t be a full-on RPG like the last 2 (though slightly sucky) Console games. However, readingĀ  further got me interested in the game again.

For one, the Trainer/Avatar customization apparently will make the Mii system look “incredibly basic.” The reviewer was impressed with how many options were in there, and found that you could recreate characters from the anime as well.

This game will really thrive on its multiplayer, particularly online. Players can train their pokemon on the DS, upload them into Battle Revolution, and actually control it with the DS. This would definitely be a more attractive interface to do multiplayer than the standard DS screen, much like the Stadiums/Colosseums before it. I’m looking forward to this one once again.

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